As promised here is a post explaining the process that went into the particular piece I put together for the Canvas + Chaos show.

I was sent the above image a week before the show. What you see is a very rough sketch of the garment, as well as the color that it would have been.

Because the sketch was so rough, I took it upon myself to clean it up. The reason for this was so I could have a better template to work from. I originally had a totally different concept in mind before this one.. but sadly it was not even worth posting. So day before the actual show I scrapped the original idea, and started over. When everything was all said and done, I was a lot happier with this final concept. Now here is where things become interesting....

I recieved an email at 4am from the producer of the show that morning. It stated that due to a conflict, both my model and color of my garment had be changed. No real worries though. Things still worked out really well. I just made some last minute color and design adjustments. Also...I had no clue my Model was going to have an afro before the show, but when I saw her I decided on the fly to make the female on my original design a loose likeness of her. It was amazing how things just seemed to fall into place.

I have to give a lot of credit to my model for hanging in there for an hour and a half. She was so good that during the painting session she would automatically adjust her pose to allow me better access to the area I was concentrating on.
Well that is it for this particular post. In a few weeks the painted garments will be going on auction. And when that happens...I will post the link and information on this blog. In addition to that I still have a few other projects in the works. So as alway Stay tuned...