I recently was asked to participate in an event within another event. For all of you who may not be familiar with Rock the Block BK . It is an urban
arts and culture series developed to bring awareness to Brooklyn’s underground urban arts renaissance, serves as Brooklyn’s pre-eminent showcase of emerging artistic talent in Brooklyn and the five boroughs of New York City. For much more information please click on the following link.

I will be part of an art installation within Rock the Block BK called Canvas + Chaos. The idea for this particular show was way to interesting to turn down. Produced by Butch Diva, a few artists and myself will be part of a live paint event. We will be painting on garments produced by Butch Diva, made of canvas, denims, and double knits materials. The finished garments will then be featured in a fashion show later on that day. Sounds pretty cool huh?

All this will be going down on August 15th starting at 12 noon. So please come and take in the scene, and support your local emerging artists (especially me of course). Keep in mind that anyone under 21 will not be admitted, and you must purchase tickets in advance. If not.. the ticket prices go up the day of the show. If you are at all interested... please click on the following link to purchase tickets.
And as always .... there is more to come. So stay tuned.
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