Before I proceed I just wanted to quickly say a thing or two. First .. thanks to all of you that have kept up with my posts, and have always been there to give me constructive feedback. I draw and create for not only myself, but for everyone that would allow me to share. My work is the only time I ever really feel I am able to deal with being the center of attention, and it serves as a great release. And for the few of you that did not see your requests materialize, do not lose faith in me. Your are sure to see them pop up very soon.

So enough of that.. The following is what I have been promising, and hinting at for a week. I hope you enjoy it as much as I liked putting it together.

What you see above is the first Incarnation of an idea that I came up with nearly a decade ago. Just like a lot of young artists I chose to take the likenesses of friends of mine and create stories around them using the artistic ability I had available to me at the time. Using pencil and marker I went as far as creating a proposed "cover image" for the story I had rolling around in my head. I went as far as creating a few rough page layouts for the story in a sketchbook as well. But ultimately the idea was left to collect dust. As mentioned in a previous post I decided to go back and brush off the cobwebs of this old idea and in a way recreate it. Using all what I have learned in the past decade I wanted to see where I could take this original image. So scroll on down to see what I had come up with, as well as the process that took me to the final image.
1- Very, very rough sketch....
2- The work up sketch that was taken from the very very rough sketch...

3- The color swatches that were used to help me better color the final image...

4- The Final image folks...
Overall I am satisfied with the final product. Does the image have its issues?? Of course it does, but hind sight is 20/20. But like everything it is recognizing the pros on and cons, and then building upon them. It has been such a long time since I have been able to complete a project like this and it feels so good. I am already thinking ahead to next year and trying to figure out how I could make this process even better. So as always Stay Tuned.. there is always more to come.
Dan!! That's so funny, I remember seeing the original hanging on Jay's wall in Stony Brook!! haha. You've come a long way, sir! Great job revamping a classic!
Awesome work!! Congrats on day 40!
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